Collective Unconscious, Dreams & Tapping In
Energy, Jung and Collective Unconscious
I very much appreciate the work of Carl Jung, mandala healing and am an MBTI certified counselor who specializes in working with trauma and the unconscious processes that shape our worlds individually and as a whole. In the past several weeks I’ve been sitting a lot with Jung and the concept of the collective unconscious.
Through the recent powerful full moon, the coronavirus, and the collective fear that has permeated society on every level and across the world, the energy between all living things has an undercurrent that is intense right now and coming through us in interesting and illuminating ways, especially in dream states.
I believe everything is energy and when we have this undercurrent of immense stress and pressure that resonates in each of at such a deep level our kundalini energy starts moving and awakening deeper structures of our unconscious. While we are physically moving less on the earth, there is an abundance of energy building up. From the dramatic shift we have made to limit physical movement on the earth to the emotional upheaval energy we are all feeling to some extent, we are experiencing these energy shifts globally in ways we haven’t experienced in our lifetimes and we are starting to see the pulses of dynamic forces burst forth in dreams, emotional outbursts, creative expressions, new ideas coming forth and sudden impetuses to drive us in new directions. I’ve been asked if I think this is unhealthy. I actually think this release is very much needed. I think we need to release this energy both because it was building before this situation began and because we either clear it now or it builds trauma. We are already going to need to heal from this experience as a society, let’s allow for the energy to release and provide us with possibilities to experience change on new levels. Holding in the energy limits the expression needed to heal trauma. When we experience the trauma in the moment, it doesn’t need to manifest at a deeper level creating patterns we need to heal later.
It’s an unexpected and unprecedented awakening of the collective unconscious and if we tap into it, if we encourage it and learn to dance with it, I believe it can move us forward in healing and empowering ways.
Our Dreams
One aspect I’m seeing over and over with clients is how our dreams are manifesting in explosive and unexpected ways. Many clients are telling me they are having intense dreams and they are remembering them, sometimes for the first time in their lives, and even though they don’t make a lot of sense there is something about them that is feeling deeply transformative. As they describe them to me, I’m getting visions of mandalas and earth changes, a dramatic representation of chaos and silence…it seems to me that our collective unconscious is clearing deep dichotomies of the self.
I’ve offered to clients a few simple exercises for starting to tap into their dreams. I am going to offer some information on this should you wish to try it, I hope you find it helpful. I’ve created a video so you can do the practice with me instead of reading it.
See the video with dream practice here.
Self-Awareness During Change
Whether or not you choose the dream practice, I encourage you to notice the shifts going on in your own emotional and physical experience. Are you feeling yourself drawn to things you had never considered before? Are you finding old patterns falling away and suddenly you are wearing different clothes, eating different foods, wanting to sleep in different positions?
Without judgment or trying to explain it, just start noticing how you are shifting and what you are feeling called to. So often when we feel or experience something new our first sense is to ‘make sense of it’ or categorize it in some way, that makes an assumption it fits into a structure that we have had before. A lot of what we are dealing with right now is new and if we can allow for the experience to be new, and not try to make it fit an old structure, it has the opportunity to teach us and propel us forward in potentially exciting and invigorating ways.
In a time like this, allow yourself the opportunity for a new experience, encourage it, and you may find yourself making some powerful shifts toward a life that offers you full expression of your new self in this new world in ways you never imagined. I believe part of what happens next will take embracing this ‘newness’ and being present to the possibility that life might be something different than we expected…and it could be even better than anything we could imagine.
May you find in your dreams new visions to inspire you to dream bigger in waking life too. Blessings, Satya