I Am Ready to Vision

Why aren’t we taught how to vision our lives when we are children?  

Why aren’t we taught to create our lives as reflections of who we choose to be?  

Why aren’t we given maps for how to be who we truly are earlier…and then manifest our worlds to be in full alignment with our true nature?

These are questions I’m often asked by clients and students.  My answer is, if you are asking these questions, you are ready to do just that.

I am not someone who aligns with the belief that you vision and then wait for the universe to give you everything.  Yes, the universe, God, and/ or whatever you term the energy within it all, does provide when we are ready AND, part of being ready is doing the work within AND without.  Meaning, we are meant to be productive beings on this earth and to manifest through doing as well as being.  If you are ready to vision your future AND manifest it, I am here to help you do just that from a place of unwavering support, deep belief in your abilities to change and an intuitive strength and depth of heart that will hold the space for you as you vision and manifest.

I wrote my first book on inner manifesting, it’s part of what I offer every client in some way or another, and when we vision and create together, you will unfold aspects of yourself you may never have thought possible.

To see more on the methods I incorporate into personalized sessions, click here.

Here are a few examples of the types of work I may offer for specific challenges:

VISIONING A NEW FUTURE AFTER LOSS OF A LOVED ONE  When we have lost a spouse, parent, child, animal or other loved one we can often lose sight of any future as we fall into deep grief.  Loss of a constant being in our lives can strike at the core of our identity and it can be challenging to re-integrate ourselves without assistance.  I assist those dealing with this loss in finding a new level of self that integrates love and any lessons/memories they wish to keep within them with who they are becoming outside of the relationship.  It can be the first time someone has seen themselves in years as a full self on their own and it can feel very different, and very empowering.  The process of re-integration of the self (my term) is one I’ve helped many people walk through to create and vision a life that fulfills them going forward, while still feeling deeply connected to the love and gifts of their loved one that passed away.  

VISIONING A NEW LIFE AFTER HEALING/EMPOWERING FROM TRAUMA – After trauma, be it abuse, physical trauma or emotional trauma, we can lose sight of a future and not know how to connect to a new vision for our lives. Through inner work, we can find our internal map of the Self again and create an internal landscape for creating a life that aligns with who we have chosen to be on the other side of trauma.

VISIONING RELATIONSHIPS – I wonder what the world would be like if we were given half the training in school in healthy relationships that we are given in subjects we never use again. We are never taught how to build healthy relationships and then feel like we somehow failed when we keep creating unhealthy ones.  After healing, transforming and empowering our inner selves from past relationships, we are ready to vision relationships that are healthy, healed and sustain us as we move forward in our lives.  Through a variety of tools and practices, I’ll help you find and create your ‘tribe’ and provide guidance for healthy partnerships that work.

VISIONING A NEW BUSINESS – As a holistic entrepreneur with and MBA/MIM and many years in consulting, I have assisted businesses in visioning and manifesting for over 20 years.  Please see EmpowermentBusiness.com.

These are a few ways I work with clients integrating various resources in the empowerment process.

See more on the specific methods I offer here.

To find out if what your dealing with might be a fit for something I offer, please contact me for a free 15 min phone consult.