Common Challenges I Work With

People come to me with a variety of needs and concerns.

Below are the main areas that I work with and how I do so to help you see how I may offer integrative work.

I’m also currently creating videos and audio to further explain how sessions work, options for integrative care and more.  You can find these here.  Also, feel free to peruse more on methods I offer here.

My mains areas of work are:

Those seeking physical (which always includes some levels of emotional healing as well) health transformation such as lyme disease, CFS, MCS or digestive challenges.   If you are dealing with a health crisis, or chronic conditions, contact me and see if what you are dealing with is something I could help with.  Most healing plans include homeopathic medicine, herbal medicine and somatic/ intuitive healing where appropriate. Supplements, dietary counseling and energy work or other forms of healing may be included.  See the methods I incorporate here.

Those seeking alternatives to standard psychiatric treatment for PTSD, trauma, healing from narcissistic abuse, depression and anxiety.  Many people don’t realize that homeopathic medicine can be a solid option when standard medicine isn’t working, or even when it is in conjunction.  For over 15 years I’ve offered homeopathic, herbal, somatic and mind/body options for healing and can work both with and without a combination of standard medicine.  For my video on this topic, see here.  For more on trauma release method, see here.

Those seeking to transform their careers, start a new business, change their mindset to be more productive and/ or successful.  Many people come to a time in their lives when they realize they’ve outgrown their career path and/or just don’t enjoy it anymore.  They want to try something new and don’t know where to begin and are scared to make changes.  Empowerment/ Career coaching could be useful here.  Others have a business they believe in but they have lost traction in it.  Empowered Business Coaching/ Consulting could be useful here (this link will go to my other website).

Highly Sensitive People, Empaths and Healers seeking assistance with gaining empowerment with their sensitivities and learning how to use the energy to shift and transform themselves and others.  I counsel and work with sensitives all the time and have created another site here for living empowered as a sensitive (this link will go to my other website).

Healing after abuse.  From reclaiming the Self after narcissistic abuse to healing the inner child after abuse from family members and addiction, finding your way after any abusive situation can take time and requires the space to express and explore who you are and who you wish to be.  As PTSD and CPTSD can both be present, I often treat homeopathically for the trauma as well as offering tools and unwavering support for you to fall back into yourself in a safe and held way.   See more of what I offer here.

Those seeking homeopathic constitutional and chronic/ acute care with a holistic mindset of using additional tools such as nutritional counseling, herbal options and mind/body work when beneficial.  As a classical homeopath, herbalist, nutritional counselor and more, I help my clients find the most effective, integrative path to their healing and empowerment.

Individuals dealing with hormonal shifts such as perimenopause, thyroid issues and menopause energy and vitality issues.  I provide options which both are alternative to and can be integrative with standard medicine.  From herbs, nutrition and homeopathic medicine to energy self-healing methods for transforming the ovarian, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal energies, I can assist you in finding a path that meets your needs for healing and empowerment.

People seeking a mentor after an awakening who are feeling alone and different in their minds and bodies and don’t know how to integrate alone.  As someone who opened / awakened at an early age and has worked with new healers and those new to the path most of my life, I help others find their way in this new way of being.     I also help people manage the intensive energies that can occur at the start of an awakening so you can be in this world while you are rebalancing and reconnecting to your Self.  See more of what I offer here.

People leaving corporate America to find a unique path in life.  I’ve helped new entrepreneurs (see my empowered business website here), people shifting careers later in their lives and people going into early retirement to RV through the US and beyond.  We are at an amazing time where revisioning our lives is becoming the norm and I’m excited to partner with you as you find your next adventure!

Those seeking grief assistance after the loss of a loved one including reintegrating the self after loss of a spouse or parent, healing the inner child after loss of an abusive partner, healing after loss of an animal and reclaiming the self after loss of years due to illness – physical and/or mental.   See more of what I offer here.

Those requiring assistance after ayahuasca ceremony and other hallucinogenic ceremonial events that can for some cause a break in the self and soul loss/ incongruencies.  As a Peruvian trained energy shaman, I have experience and the ability to bring people back after a ceremony had caused them to feel lost, alone and broken.  I believe in shamanic healing and I also realize today, sometimes these ceremonies are not done in the most authentic or healthy ways.  Ayahuasca ceremony performed with proper boundaries, consistency, reverence and a shaman who can hold the space with clarity and power assist those attending in deep transformation.  Ceremony held without these aspect, can cause soul loss and soul breaks which energy healers like myself are trained to heal.  For more on my esoteric practices click here.

These are a few main areas I assist with every day.  Contact me at any time with questions to see if what I offer is something that would work for you.

DISCLAIMER (required by the FDA): I am offering education above and not medical advice.  I am an Integrative Medicine/ Alternative Medicine Practitioner, I do not work as a standard MD or DO.  Please seek medical assistance as you require it.