Intuitive Astrology

What is Intuitive Astrology?

People often ask me what I do with an intuitive astrology.


If you’re looking for someone to walk you through your chart from a technical perspective, in other words explain planets and transits and how astrology works and then give an overview of your natal chart from a technical perspective, that wouldn’t be what I offer.

I look at your chart on my own from a technical perspective, I meditate on it to see what comes through, I also sit with your questions (part of your intake for charting) and then I break it down into language non-astrologers can understand.  I help you to not only understand your chart, also to see how your natal chart has created and affected your life, your choices, your beliefs and your relationships and offer assistance in seeing things differently so you can feel empowered to change your life knowing your strengths and the areas you have an opportunity to improve and change.

I consider my work empowering.  Yes, I may see areas of challenge and at the same time once you have the information, you have the power to do with it what you wish to and to experience times of challenge as opportunities to shift your perspective.   There is a big difference between trying to purchase a home in a week when your chart is in a difficult transit that may make things more challenging and having this information prior so you can either make the choice to continue to purchase that week and know it just might take more time and tenacity or change to an easier date.  I am extremely conscious of using empowering language and providing options whenever possible.

Along with the overview, many of my clients ask me to chart out future times to start to help them see patterns forming and learn how to use the energy to their benefit.  Again, I do empowering intuitive astrology so my goal is to help you meet and exceed your goals.

While I usually offer this only for current clients, I do make exceptions if I feel it’s a good fit and if you are interested in this form of astrological work, feel free to contact me with the following form and we will respond asap.

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