Calendar of Events

2025 Calendar of Events


I am holding two meditation events in February

A one day workshop (with optional sit the following day)

and a monthlong event.  See below for details.

Click here to take you to a video describing the class.

We begin with a 2.5 hour workshop exploring what meditation is, experiencing various forms of meditation, learning how to properly sit in meditation and options for physical relief when sitting is difficult.  We will discuss how to use your month-long meditation experience in the optimal way for your personal situation.

We will then continue by sitting together Monday-Friday for 4 weeks from 8-8:30am PST.

We will complete the month with a workshop where we will hold 1-2 longer meditations and discuss what we have learned and experienced together and how to continue your practice and our work together.


Initial Workshop Date

Sunday, February 2nd, 10-12:30am PST (1-3:30pm EST; 6-8:30pm GMT)

(NOTE: You may register for the 2/2 workshop alone or the full monthlong)

Full monthlong includes the initial workshop plus:

Daily practice from 8-8:30am PST (11-11:30am EST; 4-6:30pm GMT) every day M-F

Monday, February 3rd – Friday, February 7th

Monday, February 10th – Friday, February 14th

Monday, February 17th – Friday, February 21st

Monday, February 24th – Friday, February 28th

Final Workshop Date

Sunday, March 2nd, 10-1pm PST (1-4pm EST; 6-9pm GMT)

To register for either the initial workshop on Feb 2nd (plus optional sit on Feb 3rd at 8am for 30 min to practice) or for the full monthlong course please contact us at jenifers at


Previous classes

New Moon Shamanic Healing Event/ Workshop

Introduction to Shamanism, the shamanic journey and a new moon release and renewal


Exploring Shamanism, the three worlds, the journey, animal spirit medicine and embracing the release into healing vs fixing method of shamanic practice.  Great for beginners and those with experience.  We will both learn and practice together.

What to expect:

  1. We will begin with a brief overview of shamanism, shamanic concepts of healing and empowerment.
  2. We will then explore the shamanic journey, when it’s used for healing, information and spiritual awareness.
  3. We will then experience a journey.
  4. Next we will explore the new moon energy, release and renewal at the new moon and how to work with the energy.
  5. Finally we will do a special moon journey to enlighten your path for the next month’s transformations.

As a Peruvian and western trained shamanic healer I believe the power of the journey and connections to the moon spirits cannot be limited to a few words.  Through the journey we open the body, mind and soul to new realities and hold the space to release in ways we cannot access in our middle world alone.

I am honored to hold the space for healing at a time when the worlds are shifting and many people are waking up to new realities.

Sunday Satsang with Satya

Come home to your SELF.

Topic: Being Balanced Within When the World Is In Chaos

Our world is changing.  Nothing could have prepared us for the intense situations we are currently in.

The pandemic coupled with the Black Lives Matter movement is bringing about combinations of changes that, while deeply important to change the systems that aren’t working in our society, may also feel overwhelming.  Seeing people tear-gassed and watching police kill while we are still dealing with isolation, wearing masks and more can just be too much for our unconscious minds to process.

Our hearts and souls may be deeply moved by the protests while our fears could be triggered by the still unknown ramifications of the protests on COVID.  Sometimes theses dichotomies can feel too much and we don’t know how to settle into ourselves and our needs.  How do we also take care of ourselves and our loved ones in a world that is transforming so dramatically before our eyes?

Let’s explore, honor our hearts and look at how we sit with all of this deep transformation as we come together in Satsang.  Through practice and discussion we will release tension, help balance the inner struggles and find ways to look at your personal situation with fresh eyes and a renewed energy to move forward.

SPECIAL NOTE: We will be doing a Buddhist Goddess Tara practice for renewing the heart.  It’s a special practice, I’m honored to share.  

Our Satsangs are a mix of discussion, practice and holding space as we come together in supportive community to find ways to fall into our deeper selves.

***No experience required, come as you are and find what you need.

Join us for an empowering, relaxing satsang online with Satya.  Come home to yourself, release the week of stress and rejuvenate your spirit for the next week.

Format for this Satsang

12-12:10 – we will come into space together with a brief meditation practice

12:10-12:50 – We will explore our personal experiences of the Black Lives Matter protests and movement and COVID with a new lens and find ourselves in a space of clarity and self-compassion as we move forward.

***This week’s satsang will also offer a practice to take with you for times you struggle with what to focus on with all going on.

12:50-1pm – I will offer an uplifting visualization, prayer and/ or practice to settle in before we end session together.



  • For those who are sensitive to other’s energy, I am very conscious of energetic clearing challenges for sensitives (see my websites for more on this) and will set clear boundaries so any energies released will not affect others.
  • My language is non-reactive and this time will be for healing and empowerment, not to focus on the fear, rather, to focus on releasing the stuck energy and finding our inner peace.
  • For those who wish, you can set your screen to black and/ or call in via phone instead of video should you wish to.
  • Please register here by 9pm SATURDAY EVENING the day before the Satsang to ensure your space and you will receive your link to join us via zoom ( by 9am PST/ 12noon EST on Sunday.  We are sending the link closer to class time as depending on size of group we may need to up the line size and also because it’s nice to have the information handy closer to class so you don’t have to keep track of it ;-).
