Esoteric Practices

Along with my more ‘conventional unconventional’ offerings such as herbalism, classical homeopathy, coaching, bodywork, etc. I hold some unique gifts and training / experience that some might find of benefit to be aware of on their path to healing, transformation, empowering and visioning their lives and futures.


I was born an intuitive on many levels. As a child I saw and spoke with guides and traveled between worlds (and never stopped). As I got older and realized others on the paths didn’t hold the gifts I did – clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance as well as the ability to see beyond the normal ‘sight’ and experience other beings and worlds (a shamanic term) – I held the space for teachers to unfold who could help me to hone my gifts into gifts that could assist myself and others.  I was blessed to encounter (See future videos on this) my true teachers and my mentor who was a Peruvian shaman of a specialized lineage (energy shaman, not drug-based) and together we traveled and he showed me how to control my visions, my energy and balance the boundaries between others, within an environment and between worlds.  I’m forever grateful for the years of training I spent with him and his protege (an Ecuadorian shaman) and the gifts he offered me I am humbled to offer these teachings and his deep love and respect for the teachings and Earth Mother within my healing work to others.

Along with his teachings, I’ve trained in more westernized methods with teachers including Michael Harner, Alberto Villoldo and Michael Newton.

Shamanic methods I offer include:

Shamanic Healing Light/ Energy Work – I normally incorporate this with other bodywork methods including energy medicine healing, jin shin jystu, craniosacral therapies, shiatsu, acupressure and myofascial when appropriate.

Shamanic Journeying – I offer this both for personal exploration and for healing work and journey mostly lower world with some upper world experiences when called for.

Soul Retrieval work – I am one of the few American shamans trained in Peruvian techniques and Western methods.  My soul retrieval work is deep and connected and I perform reintegration once the soul parts are retrieved in ways that support manifesting a deep sense of truth within the self.

Shamanic Intuitive Counseling – There are times when we feel truly disconnected from ourselves and our lives.  Shamanic counseling, also termed ‘truth counseling’ can empower you to own your truth and your path quickly and move forward in strength.  My work incorporates shamanic counseling with essence remedies (when the client wishes to do so) to integrate the truth within the self and release the anxiety that can often stem from quick shifts in the psyche.

Restoration After Fragmentation – Various experiences can cause fragmentation of the soul, physical experience and energetic matrix.  For those who never fully ‘come back’ from ayahuasca ceremony and/ or drug-based events to those who have been through trauma and are stuck in PTSD, restoration of the Self and Soul includes releasing energy that is not yours, reconnection of the fragmentation, healing your energetic matrix and at times soul retrieval processes.  I also often offer deep homeopathic treatment for healing the psyche and body/mind/soul reconnection.  As a Peruvian trained energy shaman, I have been a healer at ceremony for many years now and I hold the space for people to fall apart and come back together whole.  I hold this space with reverence and authenticity and have helped many individuals regain their balance and walk forward empowered after these events.

If there are other methods you are interested in learning about if I offer, feel free to contact us and I will provide information that I can to see if a fit for your healing process.


Intuitive Body/ Energy work (also distance energy work) – as an intuitive healer who has always seen energy, I provide some unique offerings in body/ energy work.  I start by reading the system and then, unless a client has a specific need to address first, I release the blocks within and strengthen the meridian lines when needed to provide a combination of release of tension/ pain with an inner empowerment of one’s vital force.  For those with specific goals / needs, we discuss them prior and I ensure to incorporate what you are seeking into sessions.

A note to sensitives: I’m very present and often work with sensitives (and am one myself) so please be assured I clear my own energy before ever laying hands on others and I ensure, when you come to my space, the room has been cleared and energetic boundaries set (shamanic methods to do so) to ensure you are safe and held in light and never carry others energy with you during or after session.

Medical Intuitive work – I was born with special gifts to heal and see within the body.  As a clinical homeopath, bodyworker, acupressure therapist and yoga teacher I also trained in various aspects of integrative medicine including anatomy, physiology, meridian therapies and energy mapping of the body and I use all of the tools I have in scanning through the system to see what I see and where blocks to healing and vital force energy are held so we can address how to help you feel better.

Here are a few examples of the types of esoteric work I may offer for specific challenges:

DEEP HEALING AND REINTEGRATION AFTER CHRONIC ILLNESS  When we have experienced chronic illness, there can be deep emotional and soul disconnections that have occurred.  Being close to death (and/or having an NDE), and having to consider the impact of dying on others you love can leave the soul parts in a state of internal disarray.  Bringing the Self back together can be a challenge through standard talk therapy alone and sometimes we need some deeper work to reconnect us.  Soul retrieval, soul integration work and intuitive energy sessions can help us heal at levels that we don’t normally get to when we talk things through.  This in combination with work with a standard therapist can help us move forward faster and with resilience and inner light.

REINTEGRATION AFTER TRAUMA – After trauma, be it abuse, physical trauma or emotional trauma, we can feel like we lost a part of ourselves and don’t know how to find it.  Soul retrieval and integration work along with shamanic counseling to talk to our parts at a soul level can help tremendously on the path of healing.

TRANSFORMATION OF THE SELF – We aren’t taught that part of living an awakened life is there are times when we completely reinvent ourselves.  This process can be scary and at times we can feel like we lose ourselves during the transformation.  Deep shamanic visioning / journeying can help us reconnect with our souls in ways that provide sustenance and balance when we feel ourselves completely break apart and come back together different.  Part of my work as a healer is holding a safe, strong, resilient space for you to do this work and know you won’t get lost in it.  I’m honored to hold sacred space for you as you transform.

These are a few ways I work with clients integrating various resources in esoteric healing.

See more on the specific methods I offer here.

To find out if what your dealing with might be a fit for something I offer, please contact me for a free 15 min phone consult.