Full Moon Astrology APRIL 2020
I don’t usually spend this amount of time on the astrological forecasting for the moon cycles.
With the stress in the time we’re going through, I felt it might help some to get more information as I feel the astrological charts are definitely showing much of what we are all experiencing.
I hope you find this useful on your journey. In Good Health, Satya
Our full moon this month is in Libra squaring Pluto/Jupiter and there is a strong squaring of Mars in Aquarius that will be bringing a bit more of an eruptive energy at times.
I’ll start with Libra info and move to the other aspects.
Libra full moons offer a play with the relationship between our inner and outer selves and/or worlds. With all we are going through in the world, this full moon gives us the push to look at how we are in relationship to our world? A couple of areas we are given the opportunity to explore this right now are:
- The outer world and our inner world. How is the experience of what is going on in the world at large impacting our communities and home environments?
- The inner and outer selves in relationship to the environment. How am I presenting to the world right now and how am I showing up for my own experience within? Example, on a basic level, the physical/visual, how is wearing masks, looking down at the ground and crossing the street when others appear affecting my inner experience and my feelings of safety and acceptance that are both so critical for my inner experience?
Another way I view this is through the idea of the personal mirror and our ability to change our reflection intentionally.
If I look in the mirror and realize I’m slumping over and look sad, in an instant I can smile and stand up straight and it changes both my inner experience and my outer one.
At the same time, if I’m feeling sad inside, and I look in the mirror and I’m smiling, I can instantly feel the disconnect within and if I allow myself to feel both in the inner and outer experience of myself, I can feel a support of my experience in a deeper and more healing way.
When it comes to our outer world, it is best from a self-concept perspective to depersonalize the mirror through becoming the observer.
If I see the outer world in chaos…I have a choice of making it a mirror and/or choosing a new role of observer. If I choose to observe the experience, I can both have the experience and not allow it into my direct mirror. I can realize what is going on in the external world and in my internal world I can choose to focus on what I need to for my present experience instead of allowing the external frenzy to BECOME my direct mirror.
I believe a part of what this full moon will show us if we listen is how to be authentic, strong and present as we deal with an outer world of chaos from a state of observation and choose healthier reflection for our inner world.
Jupiter is expansion and this month this energy, as it doesn’t have an intention, is up to us to harness. If we choose fear, we will experience more of this. If we choose love, we will experience more of this.
Pluto is the unconscious or shadow and right now I feel Jupiter/Pluto are squaring each other to face their fear and what we can do is either spin from it or own it, breathe with it, and choose how to move forward. There is POWER in this Jupiter/Pluto connection and we can tap into the power and harness it for our intentional strength and take that energy to tasks that have meaning for us IF WE CHOOSE TO.
Choice is illuminated consistently this month, and while exhausting at times, it is also empowering to consciously choose our responses in a world shifting so rapidly.
When I used to sit with my teacher in Peru at the fire ceremony, we would at times build energy for what we were helping others release and the fire would rise and suddenly crackle like little explosions, the release would occur and the fire would settle though always a little stronger than before the release.
This is what I’m seeing energetically. I feel the building pressure, I think we all do.
And I’m hopeful that this energy will come to a crackle, release, and leave us all in a world more aware, awake, and clear on what we need to focus on to create the world and communities we desire.
We cannot always choose what happens in the outer world, we can choose how we respond by being open to the information being given, expressing ourselves to those we love and/or trust and facing any fears, and moving forward intentionally.
Hope this was helpful.
Blessings, Satya