FULL MOON IN LIBRA (between the two Aries New Moons) occurs at 9:34pm PST April 5th/ 12:34am EST April 6th.

Many people that I have been communicating with are feeling this full moon and several clients asked for some information due to the intensity of what is going on.  This morning after meditation the following came through. I hope this is useful.

While the energy of the full moon itself is bringing up sleep loss and odd dreams for many (our bodies, especially at full moon, often express the unhealed traumas both personally and collectively at times – know you are not alone in sleep issues right now), there are a few additional aspects that could be useful to reflect upon in this new energy.

First, this full moon is highlighting an opportunity to reflect on the losses of the past several years that have been so out of balance energetically.  This full moon is offering a container to reflect on what has happened, how we have responded to it, and almost a flushing out of energy to provide a shift in perspective based on what we have learned.

For many of us it’s causing us to also review our relationships and our places within our communities and familial structures at a new level.  Instead of from the outside in, we are looking at how we have changed, who we are now and how relationships fit (and how we fit or don’t fit in them) into our new perspective because along with a global transformation consciousness that evolved in the last several years, a personal awareness of who we are in it all has emerged from a deeper space.

Side note: I believe much of the division in society is also due to the shifting internally as people awaken to what is going on at different levels and start redefining who they are and the communities they feel called to.

Tapping in Exercise: Take a moment to harness this full moon energy and here are a few writing prompts that may be helpful for this full moon consciousness today through Thursday:

What have I been through and how has it changed my ideas of who I am and what this world is and is about?

Who are the people that are my core and am I missing some energies in my tribe that I need to develop and/or call in.

What is ready to release from my life/consciousness/old beliefs and what is ready to come in deeper/more fully for my balance?

Where am I feeling out of balance in my life and what do I need to focus on more.  (This isn’t forcing, it’s a calling in of energy.)

Embracing the Upsurge of the Shadow

We are at a time with this full moon (Pluto in Aquarius) where it’s important to face, with all of our resilience, the shadow sides of ourselves – both individually and as a global community – and honor the truth that is there.  There is nothing to fear here, there is power in accepting and integrating all of who we are.  As we open up to the full expression of who we are and what state our world is currently in, we also allow for those imbalances and the traumas to heal.

We cannot heal what we do not face.

So how do we face this?  How do we heal this?

First, with a deep honesty to what is real without judgment.  This is not what others tell us is real or what we accept from the media, we must embrace what is real within us and spend the time to question this for ourselves.  When we determine our own truth and walk from that, we meet others on their path of truth and it creates a new collective energy.  This is a true collective time of waking up to this.  We are emerging from a sleep of sorts, and it’s happening without anyone trying as it truly is a time of collective awakening.

Next, we need to allow for a deeper grieving than we may have allowed for in the past.  A big difference right now is we are collectively grieving at such a deep space that we can also release this huge burden from our world by allowing for the grief to emerge and letting it pass through.  There is an opportunity for a level of clearing right now that is truly amazing.  We then have access to this healing energy to allow ourselves to heal and as each of us heals, our collective traumas do as well and the healing energy magnifies as more awaken…a healing cycle of awakening.

One aspect of the years of COVID lock-downs, fear, etc. that changed our world in a both deeply challenging and powerfully transformational manner is it brought us together energetically.  We went through collective transformational traumas (I call them CTT’s) that all of us can relate to at some level.

Let me explain the power of this further.

Personal Transformational Trauma (PTT) & Collective Transformational Trauma (CTT)

Unlike when someone goes through a personal transformational trauma, in CTT we don’t need to explain this one to everyone else and there is a collective support to the trauma healing.

For instance when someone goes through a Personal Transformation Trauma there is often a feeling of being different, separate and misunderstood.  Especially when dealing with a trauma that may not make sense to those in our tribe such as perhaps Lyme disease, sensitivities to EMF or chemicals or narcissistic abuse.  When others in our tribe haven’t had an experience of what we are dealing with, they cannot relate and at times don’t believe in what we are experiencing and/or judge it based on their history.

With personal transformational trauma (I call them PTT’s) like this we have layers of feeling at times a need to explain ourselves to others and as others often don’t understand our trauma, there is also an experience of isolation and ‘aloneness’.  We can at times feel like no one believes us and we need to protect ourselves from the judgments of others to heal.  If others we are close to do not understand what we are dealing with, or in some cases insist our experience isn’t real, we may not feel believed or supported and this can increase our tendency toward isolation.

PTT’s can be physical, emotional, relationship-oriented, spiritually-oriented…so many layers of how this can manifest and often they take us to our own dark night of the soul and deep healing of layers of ourselves.  We emerge from the other side of PTT’s as different humans (and they often align with our Saturn returns) and those around us don’t often understand the new reality that we’re in.  Therefore, we at times at this stage of healing find ourselves shifting our communities as well as our personal situations on the other side of healing the PTT’s.

It’s very different when we are dealing with collective transformational trauma (CTT).

In collective transformational trauma we have all had a shared reality and while we had our unique experiences of it, we can all utilize the language of it to define a period of time (‘during Covid) and/or specific experiences (lock-downs, etc.) that we all relate to.

We don’t have to explain the ‘Covid years’ or help people understand they were real for us as everyone knows they were real (in whatever reality means to them or us right now).  Others who have gone through it will have their own experiences of what it meant for them to walk through the past several years, and, we don’t have to explain that they happened. We also don’t have to explain that there was trauma from those years because we all know there was.

A truly amazing thing about the ‘Covid years’ is how that specific trauma connected us across the globe. This wasn’t one country or one continent going through this alone, this was humanity. We now have a global culture of people who understand a whole knew language of terms that came up during Covid and even stocking up on toilet paper has a new meaning.

By connecting to this level of human experience so quickly with a global trauma we have also created an energetic web of humanity that is stronger than anything we have created before. Manifesters know as well that when we create at the level of emotion, the power is stronger than the level of thought alone.  While on some level as many have spoken of there was a global hypnotic affect to all of this with less than positive effects, there was/is also an energetic human connection that was created that we can tap into in positive ways for healing and growth.  We went into a collective transformational trauma and now we have the power to tap into that connection to heal at a level that humanity hasn’t known before.  It’s up to us which way we choose to work with this energy.

One of the most exciting things that we are going to experience as a collective humanity is that as we heal the trauma (CTT and PTT) that’s been created from the past several years at a global level we are going to watch our world change in ways that those on the spiritual path have hoped for throughout this lifetime because along with all of the collective trauma, there has been this undercurrent of spirituality and energy harnessing throughout the world that has been incredible and gaining momentum.  I believe are in a paradigm shift of reality.

This doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy, and, it’s going to be powerful.  While many of us have woken up to the reality of all of the veils being lifted about how our global economy actually works, we have also woken up to the power each of us has to change that reality through consciousness, decisive practices, our language, intentional actions and the training of our minds and our energies.

Once again, this full moon and the years ahead are going to encourage us to step into our personal power in creating the changes we want to see.  The momentum and power are there to tap into.  We need to get out of our own way.

Overthinking, over-analyzing, listening to the external world instead of our inner knowing and quietly going with the herd are not going to serve anyone in this new world we are stepping into.

It’s time to get bold, make change, jump in and create something.  It’s also time to realize dramatic change can be messy, uncomfortable, and challenge our beliefs and perspectives.  That is what change is.  Comfortable is usually based on doing the known, uncomfortable is based on doing something new we don’t have experience with yet.  We need to get comfortable in the uncomfortable to move forward.

I am going to say this again in another way because it is SO important.

We need to stop thinking things need to be easy and comfortable.

Somehow in the holistic realm we developed an idea that if it wasn’t easy we should find the path that is.  I’m not sure how this became so prevalent, however this form of thinking impedes growth on the path. I’m not referring to intuition which is sometimes what it’s confused with.  Intuitive ‘hits’ to do something I’m all in on, going with what is easy or comfortable thinking easy makes it right for us while avoiding challenges or things that ‘take too long’ is not healthy in my opinion.  Yes, there are times we need an easy day, and, if our lives are focused on always taking the easy path we miss out on a lot in life.

When I know something is the right way for me, and it’s something I haven’t done before, I know I’m going to need to explore, practice something new, likely have some miscalculations and learn as I go.  This can feel great as I stretch new muscles in my experiential path, and, at times it can be messy and deeply uncomfortable.  This is especially true when I’m doing something new, challenging and/or something that pushes old comfort boundaries or I don’t already have a skill set for.  We live in a society that focuses on speed rather than learning which takes time and effort.  This focus on just getting things done instead of enjoying the process is not nearly as satisfying.  Consider a time when you took the time to really learn something new and become proficient at it and how different that felt than something you attempted to complete quickly just to get it done.

We need to remind ourselves as well that we cannot know how to do something before we try it, practice it and hone our skills for it.  We need to re-develop the muscle of trying new things, especially when fear is coming up.  Fear is often a part of us that doesn’t know how to do something so this part stops you before trying in case you fail.  We need to remember failure isn’t an end, it’s part of the process of learning.  We practice and the more we practice something new the more comfortable it becomes and we build our self-confidence.  This is critical not only for growth but also for self-esteem.  If we aren’t allowing ourselves opportunities to learn and grow it can lead to limiting beliefs about what we are capable of.

Bottom line, addiction to comfortable gets you nowhere.  To create true change means you have to be uncomfortable sometimes.  I’m not saying to be in discomfort all the time, it’s all a balance.  Each of us as individuals needs to explore our unique balance of comfort and discomfort and find out for ourselves what comfort boundaries we might want to push to go to our next level of the human experience.  Wishing you a powerful next level!

I hope this was helpful, and perhaps provided some framework for tapping into this full moon and the shifts emerging and opportunities to change within the new world.

Blessings and Deep Peace, Satya