I just thought I’d put this out there for those curious what’s going on with astrology right now and why this week has been so intense (my word of the moment).  I encourage you to read this more than once, perhaps now and again tomorrow as one thing that is occurring right now as our moods are fluctuating is our interpretations of reality keep shifting so if I read something today it may seem different tomorrow.

I don’t have time to get into everything in full but I’m going to give a quick hit so you know that you’re not alone feeling the intensity of this week.

First of all we’re in mercury retrograde and for more on dates on this please go to my webpage as I have a free cheat sheet on the retrograde dates for the year as well as the full moons.


This particular retrograde is going to provide some challenges around communications.  This is pretty normal for a mercury retrograde and with the full moon energy it’s definitely intensified. This involves computers as well as interpersonal and so anything like important emotional conversations and or contracts I would take carefully and consciously and listen to your gut. While that is solid advice in general I would emphasize it at this time.

We also have a full moon penumbral lunar eclipse on Friday, and yes this is also Cinco de Mayo, and also happens to be the day before my birthday so I’m feeling this a bit stronger than normal. Yes, we are all human and sometimes human life gets intensified. Full moon is known to intensify emotions in general, and, this one has that beautiful push of Scorpio which is intensifying it much more for those with Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and /or Aquarius in your chart.

One thing to note is while our sun sign gives us a lot of information, our ascendant or rising sign may be feeling this more right now so if your sun sign is cancer but your ascendant or rising sign is  Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius I would anticipate you feeling this full moon more than many others.

So what are we feeling right now?

Some of us are feeling an almost existential frustration that’s hard to put our finger on.  A feeling of intolerance for things that we know we need to change and then we’re finally getting pushed to change because we feel like we cannot stop the train of energy pushing.

Depending on your chart you may also feel this uptick of energy around relationships or work or living situation and for many people we are taking a deep dive into parental and familial situations.  We are likely feeling our soul contracts coming up and forcing us to make some decisions about how much we are allowing our past to determine our present.

Some of us are also feeling a deep frustration of time / timing issues.  For example, a meeting being moved suddenly to a time you cannot make or missing a meeting because someone mixed up the timezone.  Or perhaps you meant to make a class and you were sure it was for 1pm and you got there just as it ended.  Or maybe you forgot someone’s birthday because you were sure it was on another day.  Things like this are happening right now.

This is a great time to do a meditation retreat and/or to face the reality of what we’ve come from and choose consciously where we’re headed.  I think of this is a powerful time to shed the skin of the past. I also think it’s why I keep hearing my clients offering that they are dreaming of snakes shedding their skin as I think that’s a powerful metaphor for what’s happening.

If we choose to jump into the fire right now, the fire meaning all of the emotions that are coming up for us right now, we have a great opportunity for major transformation.

Emotions can be powerful partners and transformation when we allow ourselves to feel them. They don’t go away when we go numb they just settle in. It’s time for us to be brave, fierce, and deeply honest with ourselves and for those feeling what’s going on this week and next you know exactly what I mean.

So that’s a quick dive in I hope it’s useful!

Here are some writing prompts to ask yourself right now:

What am I fighting against within my Self and in my world?

What do I really want next?

What/ who do I know I need to let go of?

What am I most afraid of happening if I jump into the emotional fire right now?

What can I / will I no longer tolerate?

If all of this changed in an instant and brought me to my new world what do I want it to look like and what change within myself could help take me there?

I hope you found this useful and I wish you a powerful, transformational, heartfelt, soul-enhanced full moon weekend!

Blessings, Satya