Hello everyone,

I wanted to post a bit of general information on what’s going on this month so that you are aware of why things are feeling so intense, at times confusing, other times strangely liberating unexpectedly, etc.

First of all we are currently in Mercury retrograde shadow (Mercury goes retrograde the 14th or 15th in Aries depending on where you live) and that is bringing in some of the Mercury retrograde energy.  Mercury will remain retrograde until April 7th and then go into Mercury post shadow until April 26th.

We are also in Venus retrograde in Aries until April 12th which is bringing an intensity to things that I will explain in a minute. On top of this we have a strong full moon and a strong new moon this month and two eclipses.

Saying this is a powerful month is an understatement.  Not only are Mercury and Venus in retrograde next to each other and both in Aries, they are being influenced by each other and by the eclipses and creating an experience that is very unique for our time.

What I’m going to explain is how all of these energies are combining and what you may be feeling. I am not going to go into the specifics of conjunctions, etc. from an astrology perspective because other astrologers are doing that already.

First some basics we will all feel and can work with.  To begin, the combination of Mercury and Venus retrograde is creating an energy that may feel to many like a pattern of stopping and starting all month.  Instead of two steps forward three steps back this is going to feel like two steps forward and let’s hang out for a day or two and just have a cup of coffee.  Back and forth, up and down energy that will at times feel like it goes sideways and other times like the rug got pulled out when it didn’t, it just changed course and we didn’t realize it.

If you’re not aware this is going to be happening it may feel frustrating like you’re banging your head against the wall for a couple of days. Making use of this energy means when you feel that wall or sudden shift, stop and notice what is going on instead of pushing through it as you won’t get anywhere you want to go.  Best to first notice it, recognize what is happening and if you need a few days to re-balance or let the energy shift on it’s own, just focus on something else and then you’ll feel like the wall goes away in a day or two and you can start again.

This is how we make use of astrology. We look at what’s going on, and we realize how to work with the energy.

If you make use of this energy it can actually be a very productive month for you.  Use that productive energy would be my recommendation and take breaks when needed, listen to and trust your intuition.  Also, sometimes that short break from what you are doing will give the universe time to provide an even more beneficial path.  Allow some flexibility this month to know you don’t know everything yet and give the universe a moment to teach you.

Now this Venus retrograde to me is actually stronger until the 21st than the Mercury retrograde. When I’m looking at individual charts and noticing its influence in relationships I’m seeing some patterns that most will be feeling.

Venus retrograde is not new, it happens every 18 months, however it doesn’t usually mix with a Mercury retrograde and the moon energy we’re having this month in this way so it feels a little different.

There is a lot of power to a Venus retrograde in Aries for relationships. What I see is if relationships are strong this can be a great time to clear out old stuff and old programming in the relationship that we have been pushing down. For instance, if you have a relationship you have been in for years that you have built a solid foundation for that allows you both to go deep, if there’s something that you wanted to talk to your partner or loved one about that is deeply emotional or you feel vulnerable about this could be a powerful time to share, heal and move forward differently.

For instance after looking at a couple’s chart (they gave me permission to say this) I encouraged them to take a weekend the 14th-16th to go on a retreat in a cabin in the woods to work out an old issue and gave them some new tools to go deeply into it.  That said, if you don’t have that foundation, this could go another direction and cause a bit of struggle (a bit could be a kind way to say this) in a relationship.  And it’s not just romantic ones depending on your personal chart so go slow and be kind this month or things could blow up, especially if you try to push a relationship that doesn’t have the foundation set yet to go that deep.

Not to get political, just to say, protests this month could be strong and some people could be unyielding and violent so be conscious this uprising energy could go this direction, especially before the 21st.  That said, they will likely be heard as well (ie. protesting could be very productive) so some people may feel that is the reason they protest.  Again, I’m not getting political, just saying if you are more of a pacifist this may not be the time to join the protest line.  Perhaps leave it to the ones that do this regularly before the 21st or stay a bit on the fringe.

One thing that is concerning me on a personal note.  There is a lot of fire and uprising energy this month.  We are still dealing with a moss landing fire situation (if you don’t know about this, please look it up as it could be affecting your food source very soon if not already) as it isn’t completely out and other building/plant fires of various types have come up recently.  This could continue and intensify in quantity this month meaning other explosions/fires.  I’m glad we aren’t in summer where this could be more wildfires in CA and, I am not sure about southern CA right now.  I’m praying for them and all of us around the world who could be impacted by this and things like this through to mid-April.

All this said, this is actually a powerful month around getting things done and strengthening connections with certain people – as well as realizing some others may not be who we wish to continue with.   There is good energy for moving forward, speaking your truth and being heard for it in powerful ways.  This is going to be a month that blasts a lot of things open physically and emotionally too.

Questions to ask yourself this month:  What is my truth?  What am I doing that isn’t in alignment with who I am today and who I wish to be tomorrow.  Who is in my circle that isn’t a fit anymore with who I am and am becoming?  What patterns am I replaying that don’t work for me and why?

I love March for that Aries fire, and, we need to realize it may also get out of hand if we aren’t present to it and taking a breath when needed to quell the flames a bit and/or let them simmer out.

Blessings and hope this is helpful!

Much love,
