So I’ve been sitting with little changes we can make to help improve mood during this time of insane stress for so many,

I was watching my friend’s dog playing in the ocean last week and I said to myself ‘oh I love this’ and my heart felt such peace.

I decided to start affirming every time there was a lovely thing in my day.  From a cup of coffee to someone smiling at me (even with a mask their eyes can smile).

Each time I say to myself quietly ‘oh I love this’ and take a moment to feel my heart fill up with joy.

The more I practice, the more I feel it.  Perhaps we can create a few of these self-affirmations to help us through these changing times.

Maybe “I’ve got this” when we are doing something new for example.  With all of the challenging messaging going on, it’s important to self-message in ways that uplift us.

You got this…#wegotthis.

Blessings, Satya